The city is surprisingly beautiful-- at least it is near Red Square where I am staying. I had expected Soviet Era cinderblock buildings. Parts of Moscow look positively Parisian: especially GUM Department Store.
On that note, the Russians like everything French including pastries, perfumeries and boulangeries. I remember Anna Karenina slicing though her French novel and speaking in front of the servants in French. It all makes sense now.
Milk in coffee costs extra. I know because after arriving at 10 AM this morning with no sleep for 24 hours, I bought my first cup of java in years.
ATMs dispense dollars and rubles. In my post travel haze, I made a mistake and took out dollars. Note to self: look for the correct button in Cyrillic next time.
To that end: Cyrillic just doesn't look like English letters. There's almost no way to figure out what something says just because it looks vaguely familiar.
Walking man on pedestrian lights flash both green and red. Street crossers get count downs either for waiting or walking. I like it.
Welcome to Russia! Beautiful photos and thanks for sharing. That blue sky is stunning.